Expressing Gratitude (Mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih)
Ungkapan ini berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih kepada sesorang. Berikut ungkapan-ungkapannya:


Expressing Gratitude 


1.       Thank you/Thanks (terima kasih)

2.       Thank you very much (terima kasih banyak)

3.       Thanks a lot (terima kasih banyak)

4.       I am grateful for...? (aku berterima kasih untuk...)

5.       I want to thank you for you to help me (aku ingin berterimakasih kau mau menolongku)

6.       I really appreciate your kindness (aku sangat menghargai kebaikanmu)

7.       You have been really helpful for me (kamu sudah sangat membantu untukku)

8.       I just can't thank you enough (seberapa banyak kata terimakasih pun takkan cukup)

9.       It means a lot for me (ini berharga sangat banyak untukku)

10.    I can't repay you for what you've done (aku tidak bisa membayarmu untuk apa yang sudah kamu lakukan)

1.       My pleasure. (dengan senang hati)

2.       You’re welcome. (sama-sama)

3.       No problem (tidak apa apa)

4.       I’m glad that i can help you. (aku senang bisa membantumu)

5.       Don't mention it (tidak masalah)

6.       Forget it. (lupakanlah)

7.       That’s what friends are. (itulah arti teman)

8.       It’s all right. (baiklah)

9.       It’s nothing. (tidak apa-apa)

10.    That’s okay. (ok)


 Example Dialog   Expressing Gratitude 

Lingga : Hey, Ratu. How are you now?
Ratu    : I’m feeling better, Lingga. Thanks for asking.
Lingga : I called your place and your mom told me you got the flu.
Ratu    : Yeah, I did.
Lingga : I told Ms. Diana about it and she said she’ll let you take the tests later on.
Ratu    : Thanks a lot Lingga.
Lingga : Don’t mention it. And here is the list of topics which were covered last week.
Ratu   : Thank you so much. You’re a great friend.

Dialogue 1 gratitude expressions

Mother : Rudi, can you help me with the groceries?

Rudi : Of course, Mom.

Mother : Thank you, Dear.

Rudi : You’re welcome.


Expressing Apology

Expressing Apology

Accepting Apology

1.       Sorry (maaf)

2.       I'm so sorry (aku sangat minta maaf)

3.       I'm terribly sorry (aku sangat minta maaf)

4.       Sorry, It was my fault (maaf, itu semua salahku)

5.       I'm really sorry (aku benar-benar minta maaf)

6.       I do apologize for... (aku meminta maaf untuk...)

7.       Please, forgive me for... (tolong maafkan aku untuk...)

8.       Please, accept my apology (tolong terima mohon maafku)

9.       Pardon me for... (maafkan aku atas...)

10.    I apologize for my attitude (aku meminta maaf untuk kelakuanku)

11.    Sorry, please don't be mad at me (maaf, tolong jangan marah padaku)

12.    I'm sorry, I shouldn't have do that (maafkan aku, seharusnya aku tidak melakukan itu)

13.    I am ashamed for what I have done, please forgive me (aku sangat malu dengan apa yang sudah aku lakukan, tolong maafkan aku)

1.  It's fine/ It's okay/ It's alright (tidak apa apa)

2.  That's fine/ That's okay/ That's alright (tidak apa apa)

3.  Forget it (lupakan saja)

4.  Don't worry about it (jangan khawatir tentang itu)

5.  It doesn't matter (itu bukan masalah)

6.  Don't mention it (tidak apa apa)

7.  Don't apologize (jangan meminta maaf)

8.  Never mind (jangan dipikirkan)


Example  in Dialogue;

Toni : Excuse me for being late to work.
Jily   : Where have you been?
Toni : My car broke down.
Jily   : That's too bad. Please try to fix it so that it doesn't happen again.
Toni : Yes, I'll work on it.
Jily   : Thank you, have a seat. We are working on the new project.
Toni : Great! Fill me in.


Dialogue 2  apology expressions

Father : Leung Wei, did you break that glass?

Leung Wei : Yes, I did. I am very sorry.

Father : That’s quite all right.